Saturday, October 18, 2008


I had some headshots taken today by Jeffrey Buras. I wanted to get some done while I'm still blonde. I fear I only have a couple more weeks before my roots become too noticable and I'll have to start going back to brown. I've gotten used to the blonde and I actually like it now. The cut still bugs me once in a while, but I like it for the most part.
Do you have a favorite?


Treselaine said...

I really like your eyes in "b" but I like "e" a lot too, you're doing the Tyra smiling-with-your-eyes thing.

Krista said...

i like 'c' the best, but they are all awesome!!!

Eva / Sycamore Street Press said...

maybe c, but you look very scandinavian in e.

Tara said...

B and C are the best--you look great!

Kim said...

They're all really good. I like f-the last one-the best. It looks most like Suzy I think:-).

The Wife said...

I like the 3 on the right, but I agree that they are all good!

amanda said...

i like them all. i am so impressed with your hot mom-ness. how do you keep that husband off of you?