Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cute Cook

How cute is this apron?
It beats my manly Central Market Grilling apron by a mile. There are a couple problems, though: It might be hard to cook in red heels, and something this cute requires cute shoes or at least a nice pedicure. Second, it's so cute, I might be afraid to cook in it.
$42 at Cupcake Swirl.


Wendell said...

LOVE the apron.

Wendell said...

Oops. Jamie is logged into Chris' account...Jamie loves the apron. Not sure what CW thinks about it. :)

Suzy said...

I'm glad it's you. I was a little confused for a second...

Krista said...

this is SO cute, but I'm with you, I wouldn't want to spill anything on it while I was cooking :)

Dani said...

I have cute apron to cook in and it makes me feel very cute and hip! You should get one!